A slot is a pattern or utterance that can be modified. If you have a pattern or utterance that includes a slot, you can modify it to make it a different pattern. Learn how to make a slot in a pattern in this article. You’ll also learn how to make your own pattern using slots! If you have an idea for a new pattern, consider submitting it to the Vue team for review.
Identifying a slot
Identifying a slot is an important step in the configuration process. The slot configuration may include identifying information such as the uplink and downlink formats or symbols. Some slots may also be dynamically configured, including full duplex and flexible slots. The configuration information may also be present in the slot itself. Below is a brief description of some of the different types of slots. These types of slots may be used for different types of communication.
A slot can represent a single feature of a speaker. For example, a slot for “short sleeve” would indicate a shirt with a sleeve. There are several different types of slots, and knowing how to distinguish them is vital to understanding how to effectively use them in different situations. However, these words are also used in grammatical constructions, which is why it is important to know the difference between a slot type.
Creating a slot type
When developing an extension, you can store more than one content type in a single slot type. Slot types are defined using the same syntax as content types. The configuration of slots is also flexible. A custom slot type is not a content type, but it is an option to make it more customizable. You can also use a custom name for your slot type, which is useful for different purposes. For more information, see Creating a custom slot type.
You can create a custom slot type to map non-built-in values to utterances. This is useful if you want to map a particular account number or location to a specific slot type. It also gives you the ability to use regex patterns to map certain words to a specific slot type. This option is similar to creating a content type in WordPress. Creating a slot type is similar to creating a content type, but the key difference is the name attribute.
Adding slots to an utterance
Adding slots to an utterance is an important cognitive skill. Each slot represents a piece of information about the speaker. For example, a speaker’s sleeve might be a “slot” if she is wearing a short sleeve. Slots can be predefined or custom. Adding slots to an utterance makes it easier for the bot to map custom values to a word.
A common use for adding slots to an utterance is to map content to custom values. By mapping custom values to specific utterances, you can easily control what a user can see and hear. You can use this feature to map a particular location or account number to a specific slot. There are a number of other uses for adding slots to an utterance, including creating custom UI elements.
Adding slots to a pattern
Adding slots to a pattern allows you to define an array of values. You can also use them to pass JSX into a pattern. The following example illustrates how to use slots in a pattern. A reusable component should accept multiple children and place them as needed. Moreover, reusable components should also support more than one layout and side. A component can include a number of slots, and this way you can define multiple properties of a single component.
When you’re working with an element-details pattern, you’ll want to use the slot attribute to reference named slots. The first urmari element-details includes the slot attribute and uses the “attributes” namespace to reference slots. You’ll notice that the first urmari element-details references “attributes” to create the second instance. The second urmari element-details uses the slot attribute to create a new element with a named slot.